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Grant Opportunities

Ann and Abe Effron Donor Advised Fund Grants

Fall Online Application available: 7/1/2024
Fall Application Deadlines: 10/15/2024
Award Notification: December
Funding priority will be given to organizations serving Dutchess County involved in arts, culture and education with special consideration being given to grants that would make facilities and events more available to young people and senior citizens.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.
Click here for the grant working copy:
Ann and Abe Effron Donor Advised Grants – Working Copy.

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Cleopatra Fund Grants

Online Application available: 7/1/2024
Application Deadlines: 10/15/2024
Award Notification: December

Organizations in the Hudson Valley involved in providing programs or services that promote animal welfare. The Hudson Valley includes Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.
Click here for the grant working copy:
Cleopatra Fund Grant Application – Working Copy.

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Community Grants

Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Application available: 7/1/2024
LOI Application Deadline: 8/15/2024
Full Application Deadline:10/1/2024
Award Notification: December

The Community Foundations Community Grant Program is an annual opportunity to provide nonprofits with unrestricted General Operating Support (GOS). GOS grants are flexible and allow funds to support an organization’s ongoing administrative and infrastructure costs and to provide support to maintain existing, effective programs, organizational development and capacity building in Dutchess, Putnam and Ulster County.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.

Click here for the letter of inquiry working copy:  Community Grant Letter of Inquiry

Click here for the full application working copy: Community Grants Full Application


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Field Trip Grants

Online Application available: 7/1/2024
Deadlines: 8/15/2024, 9/15/2024 and 12/31/2024
Award Notifications:  Notifications from Mid-September – January based on submission date and the various deadlines

The Community Foundations, through a grant from the Dyson Foundation, is pleased to offer a Field Trip Grant program. This grant program is designed to distribute funds in amounts up to $2,000 to public schools in Dutchess and Ulster Counties to enhance classroom learning opportunities. Schools will be generally be limited to no more than two field trip grants each ($4,000 award cap), as the competitive application process warrants. Funding priority will be given to high needs schools/ districts.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.
Click here for the grant working copy:  Field Trip Grant Working Copy


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Fund for Excellence in Education Grants

Online Application available: 7/1/2024
Application Deadlines: 12/15/2024
Award Notification: January 2025

Fund for Excellence in Education Grants offer K-12 classroom teachers in Dutchess, Putnam, and Ulster counties, funding opportunities to support special classroom projects or professional development for teachers. Grants awarded will have a direct benefit to classroom learning and support achievement of educational outcomes.  Grants made through this program will not exceed $2500.  Average awards range from $1000 – $1500.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.

Click here for the grant working copy:   Working Copy – Fund for Excellence in Education Grants

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Irving and Gloria Schlossberg Family Fund Grants

Online Application available: 7/1/2024
Application Deadlines: 10/15/2024
Award Notification: December

To: Tax exempt organizations serving Dutchess County, New York Primarily established to preserve and strengthen Jewish culture and Jewish institutions in Dutchess County. Grants will be given for programs and organizations that promote this goal. Please review the grants criteria for specific guidelines.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.

Click here for the grant working copy:  Irving and Gloria Schlossberg Grant Working Copy

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Jeanette F. Schlobach Grant Program

Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Application available: 7/1/2024
LOI Application Deadline: 8/15/2024
Full Application Deadline:10/1/2024
Award Notification: December

The Jeannette F. Schlobach grant program is open to nonprofit organizations serving residents of Dutchess County, New York who are impacted by poverty.

Organizations involved in providing programs and services to individuals, families and their pets to support and improve economic stability, health and educational opportunities, are encouraged to apply.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.

Click here for the letter of inquiry working copy: Jeannette F. Schlobach LOI – Working Copy

Click here for the full application working copy: Jeannette F. Schlobach Full Application – Working Copy

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John T. Sloper Community Fund Grants

Online Application available: 7/1/2024
Application Deadlines: 10/15/2024
Award Notification: December

Grants in Southern Dutchess and Putnam counties for equipment and support of programs that enhance the delivery of emergency medical services to residents of those communities. A limited number of grants to other organizations serving the rest of Dutchess County may be considered.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.

Click here for the grant working copy:  John T Sloper Application Working Copy

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Kingston City School District Mini Grants

Spring Online Application available: 8/1/2024
Spring Application Deadlines: 12/1/2024
Award Notification: January 2025

This grant program is designed to distribute funds in amounts up to $5,000 per extra-curricular club in the Kingston City School District to enhance positive experiences for youth in the Kingston City School District.

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Leah Ryan Fund: The Leah

Online Application available: 11/25/2024
Application Deadlines: 1/7/2025
Award Notification: Finalists will be contacted in March 2025 and will have one week within which to submit their full play

All women, trans and non-binary playwrights who consider themselves emerging (as distinct from fledgling or mid-career playwrights) are eligible to apply for The Leah.

Playwrights from all over the world are encouraged to apply, but the play must be written in English. Eligibility does not require that a submitted work adhere to the traditional three-act structure – the only absolute requirement is that the submitted text be a completed full-length work for theater. (We cannot accept musical submissions at this time)

The winner will be chosen by readers selected by the board members of the Leah Ryan Fund and will receive a cash prize of $5,000 and a public reading / summer workshop as part of the Powerhouse Theater Program at Vassar College in 2025.

There is no fee to apply. This year submissions will be capped at 400.

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Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Grants

Spring Application Deadlines: 6/30/2024
Fall Application Deadlines: 1/31/2025
Award Notification: Awards notified in Late Winter and in Late Summer annually

To: Nonprofit, tax Exempt Organizations Serving Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Westchester, and Ulster Counties This grant program provides funding for projects in the areas of breast health and breast cancer education, outreach, screening, treatment and support projects in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Green, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Westchester, and Ulster.

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Nuvance Health Taconic IPA Science Education Grants

Online Application available: 7/1/2024
Application Deadlines: 12/15/2024
Award Notification: January 2025

To: Public, Private, and Parochial Secondary (Grades 7-12) Science Teachers in Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster Counties.  The purpose of these grants is to expand students’ learning opportunities in the sciences through the acquisition of classroom and laboratory science equipment. This equipment could include microscopes, temperature probes, light probes, computer-related equipment and software, and other laboratory tools.

To help you work on your grant application, we have created a Word version of the questions. You can use this document to formulate the answers, along with spell check, character count, etc. However, you must still use the online grants portal to submit your application and provide attachments.

Click here for the grant working copy:  Nuvance Taconic IPA Science Application Working Copy

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Ulster County Emergency Wireless Access Program

This project is being supported in whole or in part, by federal award number 21.027 awarded to the County of Ulster by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

In collaboration with Ulster County funding will focus on proposals that effectively address one or more of the following: 

  • Increase wireless access to the internet during emergencies;
  • Utilize locations well known to the public and with access either exterior to the building and/or interior if open during emergencies;
  • Leverage existing resources where possible and expand existing emergency wireless access;
  • Provide equipment or space to increase capacity or extend the reach of wireless services; and
  • Seek to ensure sustainability of organizations chosen and address critical geographic areas where wireless access is limited.

Eligibility: Municipalities, public schools, libraries, 501c3 nonprofits or tax-exempt organizations (including faith-based organizations) located in or providing services to Ulster County.


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