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Scholarship Opportunities

Mary McKenzie Memorial Scholarship

The Mary McKenzie Memorial Scholarship is an award given to graduating seniors from Beacon High School. The scholarships will be awarded to individuals who will be full time students at any accredited college, university or vocational school in the United States. It may be used for tuition, books and feesEligible students will be of African American descent and be selected on the basis of academic merit, financial need, essay on their career and personal goals and a personal interview.

Amount of Award(s):

Number of Awards:

Type of Award:
One-time scholarship payable to school

Conditions For Continuation:
Non renewable

Current High School:
Beacon High School

Current Level of Education:
High School Senior

Eligibility Requirements:

– Beacon High School senior of African American descent
– Academic performance
– Financial need considered

Alternative Materials:

Application Details:
With your completed and signed application you must include the following:  
· An essay discussing your career and personal goals.  Your essay should be no longer than one page in length.
· Resume and/or list of extracurricular activities
· Your most recent high school transcript.
· Two (2) current letters of recommendation from teachers/guidance counselor, clergy or persons other than family members who are familiar with your skills and abilities.

Special Deadline:Applications must be submitted online with all attachments by 11:59pm on March 15, 2025.

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