Scholarship Opportunities
Baker Family Scholarship
The Baker Family Scholarship was established in memory of John & Barbara Baker and their daughter Dr. Beverly Baker. Education has always been a high priority in the Baker family. Barbara Baker went to college while her five children were in high school; completing her undergrad in Elementary Education and Masters in Geography in four years. Upon graduation she was an elementary school teacher for 15 years. Four of her five children have advanced degrees. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage highly qualified students to go into the field of education.
Amount of Award(s):
Minimum of $1,000
Number of Awards:
Type of Award:
One-time scholarship payable to school
Conditions For Continuation:
Not renewable
Current High School:
Brockport High School in Monroe County, NY and Marion High School in Wayne County, NY
Current Level of Education:
High School Senior
Eligibility Requirements:
– Major in a field of education
– Involved in school activities and/or community organizations
– Demonstrate leadership
– High academic achievement
Alternative Materials:
Application Details:
With your completed Application you will also need to attach the following:
– Essay discussing your career goals, personal values, and community service (typed, limit to one page or 500 words).
– Most recent high school transcript.
– Two letters of recommendation from a teacher, mentor, coach, employer or guidance counselor. Letters must have been written within the last six months.
Applications must be submitted to your school Guidance Department by April 1st.