Investment Overview
Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley has served the charitable community in the Mid-Hudson Valley for more than 50 years. Our overarching goal is to ensure that the funds entrusted to us are prudently invested to generate impact over the long term — into the next century and beyond.
We do this with well-diversified portfolios that balances future growth with current needs, lowers investment expense, and seeks to capture or exceed market returns. Every donor fund is separately maintained at all times, allowing fund advisors the flexibility to set their own level of investment risk. Various investment pools are available including a socially screened investment option. Donors opening funds with a $500,000 minimum have the option to use their personal investment advisor for investment management.
The Community Foundations’ Board of Trustees appoints members to the Investment Committee who are specifically chosen for their knowledge of investments, legal and regulatory matters, as well as professional expertise. The Investment Committee meets regularly to set long-term strategy, review market conditions and investment performance, rebalance the portfolio, assess current and prospective investment managers, and establish overall manager-specific benchmarks. Every dialogue is held in the context of our larger goal of creating a healthy, robust platform that meets the varied philanthropic goals of our donors and funds.

Primary Investment Pool
This diversified portfolio includes both active (40%) and passive (60%) managers overseeing marketable stocks (70%) and bonds (30%) of all-sized issuers in the U.S. and International markets for long-term growth and a relatively predictable, stable stream of distributions. The pool does not include private equity or hedge funds.
Invested for long-term appreciation across multiple asset classes. The portfolio is well-diversified to reduce overall risk and lower investment expense, typically resulting in better returns.

Socially Responsible Pool
This is a well-diversified portfolio consisting of varied asset classes with multiple social screens.
Invested for long-term appreciation across multiple asset classes. The portfolio is well-diversified to reduce overall risk and lower investment expense, and typically result in better returns.

Liquid Pool
Seeks to preserve principal, safeguard liquidity, and provide working funds for present and future need through investment in high-quality, short-term cash instruments.
Invested to meet the needs of funds with short-term objectives or goals. Structured to ensure increased liquidity for grantmaking while also preserving principal.

Self-Directed Pools
Donors with new or existing funds over $500K may elect to retain their own investment manager.
Managers and their investment policies must be approved by the Community Foundations’ Investment Committee.