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Grant Opportunities

Irving and Gloria Schlossberg Family Fund Grants

A percentage of the Irving and Gloria Schlossberg Family Fund’s value will be awarded as grants to local nonprofit organizations.  Applicants are encouraged to review the grant criteria and may contact the Foundations if they have questions.

The following organizations are eligible to apply for grants:

  1. Tax exempt organizations located in Dutchess County, New York
  2. Tax exempt organizations providing services to residents of Dutchess County, New York (the organization must be able to demonstrate a significant impact on residents of Dutchess County).

The Irving and Gloria Schlossberg Family Fund was primarily established to preserve and strengthen Jewish culture and Jewish institutions in Dutchess County. Grants will be given for programs and organizations that promote this goal.

Requests will be accepted for programs that educate the community about Jewish heritage, history, customs and culture through lectures, music, arts, literature, theater, etc.  Applications that involve two or more Jewish/non Jewish organizations in collaboration are encouraged in order to reach out to the broadest-based secular community.

In awarding a grant to a synagogue or temple, priority will be given to programs that would appeal to the entire community or the Jewish community regardless of temple or synagogue affiliation. Funds granted to local chapters of national or international organizations must be used locally. Non-Jewish organizations (e.g. Poughkeepsie Public Library District, Dutchess County Historical Society or any educational institutions in Dutchess County) would be considered eligible recipients of grants.

Specific areas of interest include:

  • Jewish culture, heritage, etc. as outlined above
  • The Holocaust/genocide education
  • Israeli culture and history

Approximately $10,000 to $15,000 will be available annually.  It is anticipated that multiple grants will be awarded.

Online grant application. Click here to access the Grants Portal.

Applications will be accepted, reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis.

Contact Cristin McPeake, Vice President of Programs, at (845) 452-3077 or

Each application will be reviewed on the following criteria:

  • Quality of Program/ProjectDoes the organization adequately describe the program/project and what it wants to accomplish? Does the organization present a clear and realistic plan for implementation, complete with specific activities and a timeline?
  • Capacity and Stability of the OrganizationDoes the organization appear to have the capacity to carry out the proposed work? Do they have previous experience with this type of program/project or do they demonstrate previous organizational or leadership accomplishments? Does the organization appear to be functionally and financially stable?
  • Budget and Additional SupportIs the program/project budget clear and realistic? If this is an ongoing program/project, is there a reasonable plan for future funding? Is there evidence of support from other funders, or in-kind support for projects that require significant financial support?
  • Impact/ ResultsHow will this program/project make a difference to the target population and/or to the broader community? How significant is the program/project? Will the outcome be finite or of broad impact to the community? Will it provide a one-time benefit or a long-term impact? Is the program “change-oriented”, addressing root causes rather than immediate needs?
  • Reaction & PerceptionsIs there a sense of excitement or intrigue about this program/project? How important or timely is the issue the program/project addresses? What is the ripple effect of funding or not funding?

All applications will be rated on these criteria and reviewed by the Irving and Gloria Schlossberg Family Fund Committee of the Community Foundations.  All recommendations are reviewed, approved or declined by the Board of Trustees of the Community Foundations.

Apply Online