Scholarship Opportunities
William J. Nichols Medical Scholarship
Established by the Hyde Park Rotary in honor of Mr. Nichols, income from this fund provides scholarships to graduating high school seniors living in the Hyde Park School District with plans to pursue a career in a medical field.
Amount of Award(s):
Number of Awards:
Type of Award:
One-time non-renewable scholarship payable to school
Current High School:
Franklin D. Roosevelt High School or residents in the Hyde Park School District
Current Level of Education:
High School Senior
Eligibility Requirements:
- Graduating senior living in the Hyde Park School District
- Planning to major in a medical related field with a four or more-year degree path
- Studying to become a Physician; Dentist; Physician’s Assistant; Nurse; Nurse Practitioner; Physical Therapist; Veterinarian; Medical Engineering Specialist; Robotics Specialist with Medical Applications; Pharmacist; Psychologist; etc.
- Be involved in extra-curricular activities, community service or paid employment.
Alternative Materials:
Application Details:
Applications are available in the guidance department not online.
With your completed Application you will also need to attach the following:
- Essay discussing your career goals, personal values, and community service (typed, limit to one page or 500 words).
- Most recent high school transcript.
- Two current letters of recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor. Letters must have been written within the last six months.
Special Deadline:
Applications must be submitted to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Guidance Department by April 1st.