Donor Story:
“Giving is in our blood”

Since July of 1979 when Woodstock Chimes was established, Garry and Diane Kvistad put funds aside and established the Kvistad Foundation to support Humanitarian efforts and the Arts. As they embarked on a venture that would grow and evolve into a national brand, they also recognized the many supports that had brought them to that place: and as the business grew, so did the foundation.

As Garry noted, “giving is in our blood.” Beginning as a source of financial support to a few local nonprofits, the foundation grew to support scores of nonprofit agencies both local and national. The satisfaction in having this dual path of success is evident in speaking with them.

Diane would annually monitor and receive requests for funding from an ever-widening field of nonprofit agencies as the fund grew. The task became a full-time job, but the volume of paperwork became burdensome. The last grants cycle delivered almost 70 grants. At the same time, they both became aware of and interested in the Community Foundations as a potential partner. At a friend-raiser event they listened and then began a conversation with CFHV. With the sale of the business, they had to make a decision. How to satisfy their philanthropic passions but simplify the process?

Maverick Concert Hall, Chamber Orchestra conducted by Alexander Platt. Photo: Angela P. Schapiro

In the end, they took a two-pronged approach as a solution. To ensure that certain nonprofits close to their hearts would continue to receive grants, The Kvistad Family Designated Fund was established to issue predetermined grants over time to a select group of agencies. Diane says, “What’s great is we can add money anytime to this fund, extending its life, and the Community Foundations takes care of the giving and investing.”

At the same time, they established the Garry and Diane Kvistad Donor Advised Fund, which they oversee by providing an annual list to the Community Foundations, which changes annually. Again, Diane: “we are able to request that grants are given to various organizations of our choice throughout the year.” This way, all of their previous giving patterns can be replicated under the umbrella of the Community Foundations. “It was easy to set up, and we receive statements and investment reports quarterly.”

At the end of the day, the Community Foundations has taken on the day-to-day management of the funds allowing the Kvistad’s the freedom to continue to focus on their giving. “Charitable giving is in our hearts, and the Community Foundations makes it really simple and easy to use as well.”

“The business sustained us and our employees, our giving sustained our spirit.”

Garry and Diane Kvistad

Invest in Your Community